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Friday, October 31, 2008

Lifestyle of the elderly

Life begin at 70, "You won't believe it, yach, but it's true !" It is folks. It began in 2007 in England, when Tim Samuels organized about 40 old people, where their average age is 70 years, to form a rock band. The oldest member of this rock band named "The Zimmers" is Buster Martin, 102 years old, and the leader is a 90 old guy, Alf Caretta.
This name was taken from 'zimmer frame' a steel frame used by elderly people to support his arms when he walk. Although they are decrepit people, but they blew up the world with their single and album. The first single was released in May 28, 2007, was The Who's "My Generation" which could emerge on level 26 at UK Single Chart. In July 13, 2007 again they released their second single, taken from The Raprock band 'The Prodigy', "Firestarter"
The video of My Generation is one of the best in "Youtube", visited and watched by thousands people all around the world.
They're not just produce singles but also album, the first album was released in September 22, 2007 in Berlin, consists of 14 songs of The Beatles' ,Sinatra's, and Clapton's, and recorded in the very prestigious recording house "Abbey Road" the historical place, where The Beatles had recorded their first album.
"I don't believe it" said Alf Caretta, when their album was recorded in the same recording house with The Beatles"
"Hope we'll not be chased by both groupies and paparazis, cause we're unable to escape and run anymore" Old guys never die, bravo !

Saturday, October 11, 2008


The outcome of G-8 summit in Hokkaido, Japan, early July 2008, reflects that the world's leaders are not serious to deal with the most critical issue on global warmimg. Although they agreed that climate change is absolutely the most serious threat to human life, but, still they didn't agree about how to reduce the carbon dioxide emission in the atmosphere.
The industrial countries, sponsored by the US always have their own agenda, such as economic and political reasons , than to take action soon. Talk is chehap !
Therefore, we every person in this fragile world must fully aware to this real danger which is already in front of our eyes. Take a real action everyday, although it's just a tiny things, but it'll be very meaningful.
Do it now, like take a walk or use a bike/public bus instead of drive a car, bring your own bag instead of using plastic/paper/styrofoam from supermarket, don't use insecticides of any kinds which will harm both water and air, put off electricity when not in use, recycle everything when it's possible, buy local products which don't need biofuel to transport, plant/grow vegetations in your yard, educate your family/friends/neighbours about the danger of global warming, and still many, many more to be done to save the our planet. So, change your old fashioned hedonistic lifestyle, and then apply the eco-lifestyle, now!